Using PR to drive awareness of IDU amongst local financial directors

DUO started working with idu to help support its drive for awareness among key influencers in large organisations, particularly financial directors.

idu Software makes budgeting, forecasting, performance management and reporting tools to simplify financial management. The company’s flagship product, idu-Concept, provides easy, effective budgeting and financial reporting for medium-sized to large businesses. It is the most widely deployed dedicated budgeting system in South Africa, and integrates easily with ERP software.

The company’s vision is to be the first choice for delivering accessible, easy to use budgeting, forecasting and reporting solutions for all users. idu aims to dominate locally and compete globally.

DUO started working with idu in 2009 to help support its drive for awareness among key influencers in large organisations, particularly financial directors.

The bulk of the work was focused around managing idu MD Kevin Phillips’ monthly column in leading industry magazine Accountancy SA, and developing high-profile thought leadership articles in partnership with idu to position the company favourably.

According to Kevin Phillips, the columns have resulted in more than R500 000’s worth of sales in 2013 alone.

Once the exclusivity period with Accountancy SA passed, DUO distributed the columns more broadly, leading to coverage in top tier publications such as Business Day, FA News and Finweek.

DUO recently travelled to KwaZulu-Natal to the Dube Tradeport following the launch of idu’s cloud-based offering for small businesses run off Dube’s world class infrastructure-as-a-service. idu’s regional representative and a spokesperson from Dube Tradeport were interviewed and a story constructed around the partnership, providing the company with broad public awareness in new media channels not normally open to the type of news emanating from idu.

Client Testimonial

idu Software has worked with DUO since June 2009. During this time they have gained great insight and understanding into our business and industry. They consistently deliver high quality news articles that are relevant to our business and gain quality media coverage. They are always driving us to deliver new and fresh content, and continuously present new opportunities for us to build brand awareness. One of our key success areas is the regular column we contribute to ASA Magazine, as this publication targets our customer profile directly. Articles in this publication have generated direct leads for our business. Other media coverage that we are particularly proud of include an appearance on Summit TV and articles in other highly regarded publications like the Business Day, and Sunday Times, as well as online channels including the Mail & Guardian Thought Leader Blog.

Kevin Phillips


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