Podcasts are set to become the primary communication media for businesses

Podcasts are becoming key for business communications

The podcast format has been gaining followers over time, and today it is so widely known that it needs no introductions. Podcasts are booming and increasing their number of listeners due to the ongoing growth of online audio use.

When speaking about podcast, we think immediately of entertainment and platforms such as Podimo, the podcast and audiobook platform, or Spotify. However, there is much more than these audio files, and businesses can benefit from this communication channel since it allows brands to engage with their audience and appeal to new targets more closely and less intrusively. Podcasts offer free entertainment for everyone, and this is highly appreciated by the users.

Multimedia has been gathering pace within content marketing, so podcasting is positioned as one of the most relevant communication tools. Why? The surge of voice search along with the advantages it provides in terms of SEO brought by audio multimedia files.
Due to the requirements of new generations, businesses must adapt to the changes and invest in this format according to digital trends within their marketing strategy. Social media, like Instagram – reels – and TikTok are following this tide. Images have been losing relevance in front to video, and most notably audio.


But why should a company opt for podcast? The reasons are clear:

  • Closer, less intrusive advertising. Competition is fierce, so it is necessary to provide a distinctive value to stand out above the rest. The key lies in engagement and connecting with potential customers, and podcast is perfect for the job. It enables companies to engage with users closely and gaining their loyalty by means of value content.
  • Brand positioning, entertainment, and information. One of the key advantages of podcast is that it allows a direct link between the brand and the listeners. This tool is perfect to establish a community much more effective than direct advertising.
  • Suitable to all budgets. Podcast is more affordable than other formats, for example video contents. Producing it is simple without need for a recording studio.
  • It is a perfect space for networking, relaying on experts and specialists who widen the contact network, and provide value and credibility.

Podcasts remove the barrier between the company and its customers, and big companies and marketing professionals are aware of it. This explains why not only big corporations support this format as part of their digital strategies, but also SMEs.

Ultimately, these businesses will regard podcast as a primary media and not as a simple trend, considering that today more than 18 million people in Spain listen to podcast content.

By Clotilde Betermier, CEO, Intro Ibérica.

First published by The Plexus Group.

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